Paizo’s Controversy, Bad Behavior, and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption

Folks who read this blog or who know me in person probably realize that I’m a pretty big shill for the Pathfinder RPG. While I love a lot of different role-playing games, Pathfinder has won my heart due to a combination of rules, art, and creative worldbuilding. On the other hand, while I have always appreciated the work Paizo Publishing has done in creating both Pathfinder and its sister game Starfinder, I’ve never particularly idolized the company. This week is a good example of why.

Paizo is currently embroiled in a major controversy of its own making, due largely to poor decisions by management and atrocious actions taken by some of its most influential members. The company has had some serious issues for a number of years, and many of those problems are now on display for the world to see. This has all raised questions in my mind about ethical consumption, especially when it comes to luxury products like RPGs. By continuing to buy Pathfinder products, am I condoning Paizo’s bad behavior?

The answer is…well, complicated.

Read more at the Screamsheet!

Out Now: The Blakros Deception

Something funny is happening in the Blakros Museum…again! After many break-ins and disasters, it’s time for the Pathfinder Society to assess the competence of museum curator, Nigel Aldain…and your PCs are the ones assigned to the job!

The Blakros Deception is one of the newest Pathfinder Society scenarios, and is a Pathfinder adventure for characters of level 5 to 8. It represents my first Pathfinder Society scenario using the second edition rules, and also happens to be one of the most fun writing projects I’ve been involved in! Playing around in the Blakros Museum gave me a chance to jump into a wide range of Golarion lore, and the opportunity to use the Influence rules from the GameMastery Guide opened doors to a new dimension of play.

You can pick up The Blakros Deception on and run it as part of the Pathfinder Society campaign or as a one-shot at your own table.

Check out The Blakros Deception today at!

Out Now: The Sin Dragon’s Lair

Sin Dragon

The sad news is that the TRAILseeker Patreon is wrapping up with this issue. The good news is that it goes out with a bang. “The Sin Dragon’s Lair” features an interesting and unique 12th-level monster that can fit into any Pathfinder campaign. The article includes background and stats for the Sin Dragon, several new magic items that lie atop its hoard, and fantastic art by Marcel Budde.

The other good news is that you can get this article and many, many more with a single $2 payment. This is your last chance to check out all the great stuff that TRAILseeker has released over the years, so check it out!

Check out the TRAILseeker Patreon!

Out Now: Flight of the Almost-Dragons

Flight of the Almost-Dragons

Adapted from one of my house campaigns, “Flight of the Almost-Dragons” is a fun little side-trek for 3rd level Pathfinder characters. The heroes encounter a group of kobolds who are trying to fix up a broken airship, and they can either help the little beasts or take the ship for themselves. This adventure can drop into any fantasy campaign and is a great way to show off the cute but deadly kobolds of 2nd edition.

Check out the TRAILseeker Patreon for this adventure and more!

Out Now: The Steelskin Warrior

Steelskin Warrior

Whether you’re looking for a loincloth-clad barbarian or an acrobatic warrior who seems impossible to hit, the Steelskin Warrior archetype for the Pathfinder RPG gives you plenty of options. This archetype provides feats for those who don’t want to wear armor but who still want to live the harrowing life of an adventure.

As with all TRAILseeker entries, you can get access to this and more than 100 more Pathfinder articles for just $1 on the Patreon!

Click here to check out the TRAILseeker Patreon!

Out Now: Second-Chance Heroes

Second-Chance Heroes

Not everybody gets to be a hero the first time around. “Second-Chance Heroes” introduces a new Pathfinder ancestry known as the created, which combine humanoid spirits with constructed bodies. If you’ve ever wanted to play a clockwork creation, a stone/metal hybrid, or a creature that looks like a porcelain doll, the created are available for you!

As with all TRAILseeker entries, you can get access to this and more than 100 more Pathfinder articles for just $1 on the Patreon!

Click here to check out the TRAILseeker Patreon!

Out Now: Elderstar Haven: City of the Fey

Elderstar Haven

What happens when humans and fey live side by side? Elderstar Haven serves as one possible answer. Founded to provide half-elves with a safe haven, this small city has grown to contain a number of fey creatures. Those who wish to add a little magic to their hometown or who want a place to practice primal rituals can find what they are looking for in Elderstar Haven.

This latest article for the TRAILseeker Patreon offers a new city for any fantasy campaign as well as new backgrounds and rituals for the Pathfinder RPG. As always, paying $1 to join the Patreon gives you access to this article and many more!

Check out the TRAILseeker Patreon here!

Out Now: Downtime Events

Downtime Events

The new edition of Pathfinder includes a downtime mode where PCs can earn income, craft materials, and establish their place in a community. Normally handled by a few die rolls, downtime mode receives more detail with “Downtime Events,” a new article from the TRAILseeker Patreon. This article introduces new complications to downtime activities that mean more risk but the potential for greater rewards. “Downtime Events” features at least one complication per downtime activity listed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

As always, paying $1 per article on the TRAILseeker Patreon opens up not only these articles, but many more!

Check out the TRAILseeker Patreon here!

Out Now: 2 Articles for Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

Where Dragons Fall

Pathfinder 2nd edition has arrived, and the TRAILseeker Patreon is all set to support it! TRAILseeker relaunched today with four support articles for the new edition, including two from yours truly!

Want to add a whole new level of challenge to the start of your game? “Start at the Beginning” hearkens back to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition with rules for 0-level characters! Play as somebody who just picked up their first sword and find out how your character became a hero in the first place!

Looking for an interesting new campaign area? “Where Dragons Fall” explores the ruined barony of Crimson Landing, where an ambitious ruler bound a red dragon and made alchemical concoctions from her blood. Of course, no dragon stays prisoner for very long! This article presents a campaign area that can be deposited into any fantasy setting. Or, if you just want some new toys to play with, you can check out new hazards to throw at your group or treasures with which to reward them!

As always, paying $1 per article on the TRAILseeker Patreon opens up not only these articles, but many more! Pathfinder 2nd edition is just getting started, so check out TRAILseeker today to get in on the ground floor!

Check out the TRAILseeker Patreon here!

Out Now: Favorable Terrain and The Knights of Forced Redemption

Favorable TerrainThe TRAILseeker Patreon continues to offer more options and inspiration for the Pathfinder RPG! The last two weeks have seen the addition of my two latest articles.

“Favorable Terrain” provides more options for your combat-oriented PCs that take advantage of the environment. Each feat provides a significant bonus that makes it easier to deal with environmental factors as well as a smaller bonus that you can use no matter where you are.

“The Knights of Forced Redemption” presents a new organization out to change the outlook of evildoers everywhere…whether they like it or not. Using an array of mind-affecting magic that alters behavior, the order seeks to turn enemies into ally through any means necessary. PCs may find their methods unpalatable and fight against them, or they may decide to join the order with the Redeemer, a new inquisitor archetype.

As with all TRAILseeker offerings, you can unlock these articles and almost 200 more for only $1!

Check out the TRAILseeker Patreon now!