Out Now: Ridgerock Rescue

I’m making my Starfinder debut! Ridgerock Rescue is a Starfinder adventure for 1st to 4th level characters that takes them to the frigid planet of Vesk-7 in search of a fugitive on the run. The heroes need to get to her before a sinister group known only as the Organization reaches her first!

This was a great scenario to write, with a lot of good support from the Starfinder Society team. Whether you are new to Starfinder or want to carry on the metaplot in the Year of Fortune’s Fall, this is a good adventure to try out!

Pick up Ridgerock Rescue right here!

Paizo’s Controversy, Bad Behavior, and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption

Folks who read this blog or who know me in person probably realize that I’m a pretty big shill for the Pathfinder RPG. While I love a lot of different role-playing games, Pathfinder has won my heart due to a combination of rules, art, and creative worldbuilding. On the other hand, while I have always appreciated the work Paizo Publishing has done in creating both Pathfinder and its sister game Starfinder, I’ve never particularly idolized the company. This week is a good example of why.

Paizo is currently embroiled in a major controversy of its own making, due largely to poor decisions by management and atrocious actions taken by some of its most influential members. The company has had some serious issues for a number of years, and many of those problems are now on display for the world to see. This has all raised questions in my mind about ethical consumption, especially when it comes to luxury products like RPGs. By continuing to buy Pathfinder products, am I condoning Paizo’s bad behavior?

The answer is…well, complicated.

Read more at the Screamsheet!